How to use passive rest for perfect relaxation of body and mind

"I don't have time for this." "I have to finish this." "Relaxation is a waste of time." "There's no time...

Awaken your creativity

While your colleague is constantly coming up with amazing ideas, you are trying in vain to find your creative source. Is that you? Don’t worry, it may not be your destiny forever. You can train creativity like a muscle and develop it into a six-pack with a little effort.

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Circa diem: live in the circadian rhythm of your body

Your inner voice speaking 24 hours a day. Rhythms running in the background of your brain, cycling regularly between wakefulness and sleep. That’s the circadian rhythm. Trust that this natural mechanism is playing in your favor. If you tune into it properly, you’ll enjoy your physical and mental health.

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Listen to the music and your body

Do you prefer rock’n’roll, jazz, hip-hop or classical? Whatever your genre preference, music is a great pleasure, but listening to it can do so much more. Even research shows that it can reduce anxiety, blood pressure or pain, improve sleep quality and also improve mood, mental alertness, memory or physical performance. So what are you listening to today?

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