How to use passive rest for perfect relaxation of body and mind

"I don't have time for this." "I have to finish this." "Relaxation is a waste of time." "There's no time to waste." Can you hear yourself? Modern times leave us in no doubt - life is a constant merry-go-round of obligations, deadlines, and rapid change, and unfortunately, most of us can find a reason to stay in that hectic spiral today. And tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow. In the whirlwind of work, we often forget that in addition to active engagement, passive rest is also crucial for our bodies and minds. Why not deny ourselves that? What benefits does it have and how can we incorporate it into our daily routine?

The importance of passive rest

Imagine that your body and mind are like batteries that are constantly depleting in constant use. And like batteries, you have to recharge them to use them as a source of energy. By passively resting, you will replenish your strength, regain your inner balance and face daily challenges more easily. Because when you rest passively, you get rid of unnecessary thoughts and your body can focus fully on regeneration.

Stress and its negative effects on the body and mind

Stress has developed into one of the biggest symbols of the time. The constant feeling of pressure and tension has many adverse effects on physical and mental health, and they have the quality of often catching up with us when we least expect it. Rapid heartbeat, insomnia, anxiety and exhaustion are just some of the symptoms. It’s like running a long distance without stopping – that is, until you collapse. So the question is clear, when do you take a proper rest?

Types of passive rest

Ordinary moments

In today’s hectic times, it’s easy to forget the “simple” experiences, even though they have extraordinary value. That makes your break all the more precious now. Draw the curtains, get comfortable and watch your favourite movie. Snuggle up with a good book that will draw you into another world and allow you to escape from everyday reality for a while. Music is also a great way to immerse yourself in another dimension – choose relaxing tunes and let the waves of peace and harmony wash over you.

Meditation and mindfulness

Meditation is like a gentle pause on the journey of life. It has a positive effect on our mental stability, reduces anxiety and improves our ability to concentrate. It is the perfect relaxation for our mind, ridding it of excessive “noise”. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus only on your breath. Let your thoughts flow without holding on to them. It is a time when you can allow yourself to just “be” and fully perceive the here and now. Mindfulness, or being aware of the present moment, can be practiced even during everyday activities – on the way to work, while eating, or even while doing the dishes.


Try essential oils (lavender or mint), which can have an immediate effect on your mood and state of mind. Scents can calm nerves and create a sense of well-being.

Visualization to relax the mind

It’s not always possible to escape somewhere far away to a quiet place, so visualize your relaxing corner in your mind. Close your eyes and imagine a place where you feel happy. It could be a beach, a forest path, a mountain top or our quiet cabin. Visualization allows you to escape reality for a while and find comfort in your own inner world.


Getting a good night’s sleep is literally a healing balm for the body and mind. Lack of sleep prevents full recovery and recharging for the day. Creating a sleep environment free from distractions such as mobile phones or television will definitely improve the quality of your rest and you will wake up feeling much fresher and motivated. We’ve written about sleeping tricks in an earlier article.

Nature observation

Nature has magical powers of regeneration. Take time for a walk in the park, a hike in the woods or lazing in our cabin. Watching the green trees, the sound of the wind and the scent of flowers can calm your mind and fill you with positive energy. Sometimes you just need to observe and feel without actively doing anything.

How to create a space for passive rest

Plan your rest time

Lack of time to relax is a misconception. There are 24 hours in a day. Think about how many hours a day you spend on social media or constantly checking your emails even after work hours. Try to turn that time to your advantage. Create a daily schedule and include at least 15 minutes of passive rest. This is the perfect time to take a short meditation, look at pictures of nature or listen to relaxing music.

Design your relaxation corner

The external environment affects your state of mind more than you might think. Create your own little corner of peace and quiet. Just a few cushions and a blanket on the sofa, candles on the table, relaxing music in the background. Whatever you like. It will be your own relaxed paradise that you can retreat to whenever you need to.

Limit the digital world

The digital world is at our fingertips. While it’s a marvel of technology, it can become a major disruptive foe. Limit the time you spend online. Learn to turn off notifications so you can truly be at peace. When you want to relax, don’t immediately turn on your phone or computer. Instead, switch into passive relaxation mode and leave the digital world aside for a little while.

Benefits of passive rest

Regular passive rest can have a significant impact on your life. As well as improving your physical and mental health, it will have an impact on several other fronts. Your sleep will be of better quality, giving you more energy for the next day. Your mind will clear, which can lead to greater creativity and mental clarity. And you may be surprised at how you’ll find it easier to deal with stress over time and remain calm and balanced even in really challenging situations.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle in which you have to find a balance between activity and relaxation. In the beginning, you may have to force yourself to slow down, but when you allow passive relaxation into your daily routine, you’ll soon see the miraculous effect it has on your body and mind.

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OOTOOLNO sees glamping as a momentary bliss in the middle of nature. The mind slows down, the body relaxes, and life gets a new perspective for a moment. How about bringing a similar comfort into your daily routine? Take care of your sleep, cheerful mood, and physical and mental health, because we shouldn’t just feel good on holiday. That’s what our well-being blog is all about. Read on and get inspired.


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