How to use passive rest for perfect relaxation of body and mind

"I don't have time for this." "I have to finish this." "Relaxation is a waste of time." "There's no time...

What keeps us from being kinder to ourselves?

Self-pity, selfishness, self-indulgence or self-centeredness. Such erroneous associations have built up over the years about self-compassion, and now we sometimes find it really hard to get rid of them. Many people in our culture have grown to have doubts about the idea of a kind attitude towards the self. Quite often because they don’t really know what to think of it and how to practice it in real life. So, what to imagine and how to practice it in reality?

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About our inner monologues

How do you talk to yourselves? Is your self-talk cheerful and supportive, or does it destroy you with its negativity? You can probably guess that the latter will not be conducive to a healthy lifestyle or professional success. So let’s change that.

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Nature Therapy

You can improve your mood with a simple walk in a park in the middle of the city. And what about a weekend spent in a cabin in the woods, a complete euphoria for your chaotic mind. Nature is a good pill for all sorts of pains. What can it do to us?

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Tricks to relax and fall asleep better

That feeling of desperately staring into the dark and not being able to sleep. You just toss and turn and count down the hours until you get up. A lot of us have experienced it, and a lot more of us are wondering how to avoid it. It’s like dominoes. The harder you try, the more anxious you feel that you can’t, and you deepen the disturbed sleep patterns. You stare desperately at the ceiling the next night.

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